OMRF accepting Teen Leaders in Philanthropy applications


The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation is seeking applications for its fourth annual Teen Leaders in Philanthropy class.
High school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior years in the fall of 2016 are eligible to apply. The application deadline for this unique opportunity is March 1.
Students selected will have the opportunity to meet leaders from charitable foundations, nonprofit organizations, corporate donors and volunteers, as well as OMRF scientists. Through group interaction, students will learn first-hand about the fundamentals of development, board structure, networking, fundraising and effective social media usage. They will also learn how to implement these skills in their communities.
“OMRF’s Teen Leaders in Philanthropy continues to attract Oklahoma’s most energetic and compassionate high school students. We are excited to see how this generation is interested in giving back, whether it’s being a volunteer, a donor, or a non-profit professional,” said program coordinator and OMRF Director of Development Kelley McGuire.
Those selected will work together with students from a variety of schools throughout the state on a group fundraising project.
Through this experience, students will gain a deeper understanding of the nonprofit sector, develop hands-on leadership skills and will learn how to implement those skills in their community.
Participants are chosen through an application and interview process. Group sessions will start in September and run throughout the 2016-17 school year.
“We’re looking for students who don’t want to just sit back and let other people take action,” said McGuire. “It’s great watching them take their philanthropic efforts to different levels. We look forward to working with another great group of students this year.”