eddii gamifies real-time glucose data from Dexcom CGMs, making diabetes management a whole lot more fun

Tulsa, OK – (September 25, 2023) eddii, a new diabetes management interface that gamifies real-time glucose data, is pleased to announce its launch in the state of Oklahoma, with plans to expand its program nationwide later this year. By launching in Oklahoma, residents can now install the eddii app on their smartphones. eddii is available on both the App Store for iOS users and Google Play for Android. eddii is focusing on children living with diabetes and their families, with plans to expand into the adult market very soon.

“We are thrilled to be bringing people in the state of Oklahoma a new way to manage type-1 diabetes (T1D),” said Farhaneh Ahmadi, PhD, eddii’s CEO. “The T1D community and families in Oklahoma have enthusiastically supported eddii throughout, sharing their experiences and participating in the development of eddii. That is why we have chosen Oklahoma as our pilot state, to meet the families’ needs and to build on that support.”

Parents and healthcare teams know that treating children with T1D requires round-the-clock management. There are hundreds of decisions to make every day; monitoring blood glucose changes and considering all the factors besides food and insulin that affect blood glucose. This in addition to managing device malfunctions, what monitor to use, how to wear it correctly and deal with any chafing or discomfort, how to prepare for a school field trip or a sleepover, and on and on. Every day it’s something different. And every single day it must be managed.

eddii is a virtual in-app character designed to engage people living with T1D. Using games, educational character-led activities, and AI-enabled conversation (coming soon!), eddii becomes a smart health buddy, giving users real-time feedback, support, and in-app rewards in return for healthy behavior. In addition, the app integrates users’ real-time Dexcom CGM readings, delivering updates on blood glucose levels, in turn reducing stress levels for T1D parents.

For those outside of Oklahoma, join eddii’s early access program HERE.