OBU Ranks Number One in Oklahoma on List of Best Baccalaureate Colleges


Oklahoma Baptist University recently ranked as the top Baccalaureate College in the state of Oklahoma for 2016. OBU ranked 34 on a list of 346 schools nationally.
The rankings were published by Washington Monthly, an online and print news magazine in Washington, D.C. The rankings give high marks to institutions that contribute to society, enroll low-income students, help them graduate and don’t charge a fortune to attend. The publication differs from other college ranking guides by focusing on what colleges and their alumni do for the country as a whole.
Washington Monthly also ranked OBU as one of the “Best Bang for the Buck” universities for the Southern region of the United States. This ranking is based on the best educational value for the money based on ‘net’ price, how well universities do graduating the students they admit, and whether those students go on to earn at least enough to pay off their loans.
OBU consistently earns top rankings nationally and regionally. The University has been rated one of the top 10 regional colleges in the West by U.S. News and World Report for 24 consecutive years and has been Oklahoma’s highest rated regional college in the U.S. News rankings for 22 consecutive years. Forbes.com consistently ranks OBU as a top university in Oklahoma, and the Princeton Review has named OBU one of the best colleges and universities in the western United States for 11 consecutive years. OBU has also ranked highly in affordability and in graduating students with low debt burdens, among others.