1. The cartic ainous projection anterior to the oxternal opening of the ear
3. A concentrated mass of pharmaceutical preparation
5. Entering through the skin as in a drug from a patch
6. Membrane lining the crebral ventricles and control canal of the spine
8. Ability to move spontaneously
9. To “wash out the stomach”
12. Acronym for fever of unknown origin
19. North american flowering herb used to treat colds, respiratory, and urinary tract infections
21. An implement used to remove gastric content
23. The perception of two images of a single object
24. The measurement of breathing capacity of the lungs
25. Medical term lock jaw
26. Acronym for dead on arrival
2. Atrial arrhythmia characterized by randomized contractions of the atrial myocardium
4. Obscure or hidden from vein
7. Eye diseases characterized by increased introaocular pressure
10. A benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle and glandular elements
11. Acronym for electro-olfactogram
13. Aurgical puncturing of a cavity to withdraw fluid
14. Inflammation of the soft tissue in which a thin watery excudate sprads through cleavage planes
15. Ventricle flold of mucous membrane under the tongue attaching it to the floor of the mouth
16. An implement to continuously monitor urine output flow
17. Any type of the annelids of the class hirudisnea used to draw blood
18. Inflammation of a bile duct
20. Apotting with patches of colors
22. A tumor composed mainly of fibrous or fully developed connective tissue