by Vickie Jenkins – Writer/Photographer
No matter what kind of job a person has, it is always a good feeling to know that there is a feeling of being needed. Sometimes, we think about what kind of job we are going to have when we are young, but then again, we wait until we are a little older and that certain job pops into our head as we seek out that dream position of the working world, knowing good and well, it may dominate our life. Then suddenly, we are out of school and we have reached a milestone in our life.
That is what happened to Brooke Wix, RN at Oklahoma Center for Orthopedic & Multi-Specialty Surgery, LLC, Southwest Ambulatory Surgery Center. OCOM SWASC. “I grew up in Union City, a small town about fifteen miles from El Reno, Oklahoma. When I was little, I just knew that someday, I would be a singer and an actress. I never thought about being a nurse,” she said. “Plans change. Oh, I am a singer, only in the shower and I’m an actress when I want something from my husband,” she said with a laugh. After graduating high school, I knew my dream of being a super star was NOT going to happen. Thankfully, I chose to be a nurse! I attended nursing school at Redlands Community College in El Reno, OK. I think I had a real wake-up call and had a strong desire to go into the medical field,” Brooke added.
Brooke’s favorite part of her job is dealing with the patients that she cares for every day. “I really like the routine of an inpatient surgery center over a hospital setting,” she said. “My very first job was at Mercy, in El Reno. I had a desire to work in the ER or Med Surge, which I did. I worked there for about four years and have been here for a little over a year. I couldn’t ask for a better job; we believe in teamwork and we are all willing to help each other. My co-workers are the best. I feel like they are my best friends and yes, I feel like they are a part of my family,” Brooke explained.
“One of my biggest rewards is when the patients are here and after a few minutes, they get to relax and not worry about anything. Each nurse has the same patients from when the patient arrives until they leave. I love the fact that it is not unusual to receive so many positive compliments and feedbacks after the patients are better. They come back and give all of us big thank-you’s and hugs, even flowers and chocolates. It is nice to be appreciated for our work. Sometimes, it just makes our day!” Brooke said.
How would you describe yourself? “Well, it is kind of hard to talk about myself, like that, but I’ll try,” she said. “I feel like I am a very loyal person. I am kind and considerate to everyone I meet. Being loyal, I like to make sure my patients know how much I care for them.”
Asking Brooke what qualities make a good nurse, she replied, “I think a nurse needs to have that certain feeling of wanting to care for others. With nursing having so many avenues to go into, they can try several areas and they will know for sure which area they are leaning towards. I think a nurse needs to be a people-pleaser, be responsible and have a sense of humor. They should have a caring mentality and be a good observer. Most patients come in scared of the unknown. If a nurse can get them to smile, it’s always off to a good start,” she stated.
When Brooke is not working full-time at OCOM, she is working at Visiting Angels, Home Health Care. Brooke is also a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner). Brooke’s day start early as she enjoys going to the gym in the early hours of the morning before work. She enjoys reading, weight lifting and napping. “I am a creature of habit and I have to stay busy,” Brooke said.
Brooke and her husband, Zach (a nurse at the Veteran’s Administration) met while they were in nursing school. “We were lab partners,” Brooke said. We enjoy traveling whenever we can get away. Their three four-legged friends consist of three dogs; a yorkie, Gizmo, a black lab, Avery, and last but not least, a rat-terrier Chihuahua, Nax.