by Vickie Jenkins – Writer/Photographer
It doesn’t take long to see why Julianna Bingham is liked by all of the patients at Total Foot and Ankle in Oklahoma City, OK. Julianna has a bright and fun-loving personality with a smile to match.
Growing up in Edmond, OK, Julianna, medical assistant has been in the medical field for four years. She has worked for Dr. Scott Shields for a little over a year. Julianna went to school at Heritage College. “I plan on going to school to be an RN specializing in nutrition. I like the way nutrition has such an impact on a person’s life,” she said. “Working here has been wonderful. I am so thankful to have this job, continuing to learn from the best,” she added.
What did you want to be when you were little? “I actually wanted to be a Veterinarian. I grew up around all sorts of animals and loved taking care of them; especially horses. I don’t ride horses now but would jump at the chance,” she commented.
What is your favorite thing about your job? “I think my favorite thing is the way I get to know the patients. They have such a great amount of gratitude towards everyone here. When the patients are happy, that makes us happy,” she replied. What is your biggest challenge that you find in your job? “When the patients come in for the first time, it is easy to see that they are scared. Sometimes, I just want to overstep my bounds and help them more than I know how. It’s hard for me to allow them to help themselves; that’s where I have to tell myself to stay within my scope. I guess I just try to tune into the patient as much as I can,” Julianna replied.
Asking Julianna what she things are the qualities of a good nurse, she replied, “First of all, I think a nurse needs to be a great listener, listening to every little detail, making sure it is right. Also, I am a very enthusiastic person and that I think the patients like that about me. I certainly like to think so,” she laughed. Last but not least, I think a nurse needs to have plenty of empathy. I think that comes with the job.”
I asked Julianna to describe herself. “Well, let’s see,” she said with a pause. “I am fun-loving and an easy-going person. I am a hard worker and try to do the best I can, no matter what the situation is. I try to create the best positivity. I really try to tune into the patient, trying to understand them.”
What is some advice you would give to someone going into the medical field? “I would tell them to pay close attention to every single detail in the charts. I think the most important role I have as a medical assistant is bridging the gap; whether it is between the doctor and the patient or the patient and me. I like to bat for the patient. I would tell them to study hard and don’t give up. It may seem pretty rough but know that you can make it! I’ll be taking my own advice before long when I go to school,” Julianna replied.
Julianna says the biggest asset with her job is the fact that she has a knack for getting the patients to open up about themselves. “Of course, I don’t get too personal,” she said. “I think I am pretty good about reading someone and having them tell me what the real problem is. Some people just want to keep all of that information to themselves, but we need to know as much as we can about their medications, etc.”
When Julianna is not working, she enjoys spending time with her three sons, Michael 8, Aiden 5, and Jaxson is eighteen months old. I always look forward to that,” she added. “Those boys certainly keep my hands and my heart full,” she said with a smile. “Those boys give me the motivation that I need every day. I love them so much.”
Julianna, do you have any words of wisdom that you tell yourself or tell the patient? “I always tell the patient, you are the star! This is your life, it’s all about you. Sometimes, it’s hard to convince the patient of that.”
To sum up Julianna’s life in one word would be “fulfilling”, she answered with a smile.
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