Eastern Oklahoma State College President’s Leadership Class member Jacy Browne (fourth from left), along with Dr. Kyle Foster, Eastern Vice President of Student Affairs, Candace Raney, Eastern Executive Assistant to the President, and Dr. Janet Wansick, Eastern President, present Latimer Nursing Home representative Holly Wilson with donated items collected by the PLC

Members of the Eastern Oklahoma State College President’s Leadership Class collected and donated more than $600 in supplies to the Latimer Nursing Home on Wednesday.
Class members took donations throughout the spring semester, citing a desire to give back to the community. Donation efforts focused on collecting essential items, including personal hygiene products and lap blankets, to enhance the residents’ quality of life. Monetary donations were accepted, as well.
“Our goal for our 2024 President’s Leadership Class project was to positively impact our community,” said Jacy Browne, PLC member. “What better way than to provide needed items to Latimer Nursing Home?”
PLC recently completed its first year, with eight members in the inaugural class. Browne, from Wilburton, Oklahoma, Geralyn Haney, from Stuart, Meabrey Wallace, from Allen, Dristan Harber, from Wilburton, Braelyn Blasengame, from Stuart, Trenyce Noah, from Battiest, Caden Goodson, from Tushka, and Hailey Baker, from Wilburton, were members of the first class.
For more information about MSC’s nursing program visit https://mscok.edu/academics.