5. another common effect of caffeine
6. most common mood-altering drug
7. vivarin is a _______ ____
8. common effect of caffeine
11. caffeine ____________ you
12. 7-up contains ____ mg of caffeine(very low amount)
14. caffeine can icrease what?(2 words)
15. it is bad to ____ consuming caffeine
17. caffeine can cause ________
18. caffeine addiction is sometimes caused to escape caffeine ___________ symtoms
19. a non-cafeinated way to get energy
1. a caffeine withdrawal symptom
2. a way to cut back on caffeine is to slowly _______ the amount you consume
3. another common effect of caffeine
4. another common effect of caffeine(two words)
8. caffeine is __________
9. caffeine intake can cause what is called the “______”
10. caffeine can cause ________
13. caffeine can give sleep ________
16. caffeine can cause loss of ______ and potassium