Home 03/15/21 NURSE TALK: If you received a GIANT Easter egg, what would... 03/15/21ARCHIVES NURSE TALK: If you received a GIANT Easter egg, what would you like to see it filled with? By WPHHAdmin - Mar 16, 2021 1091 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital A million dollars! Rose Armstrong, RN A weekend in Disneyland! Crystal Godfrey, RN Money to open a free-to-live for dogs and hire homeless people to help. Ginger Mallat, RN RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Caring Beyond the Call: Life as a Nurse in Close-Knit Community CAREERS IN NURSING: RN FOCUSES ON EVERY DETAIL NURSE TALK: What is your least favorite season and why? The Spiritual Side of Nursing The Uniform Shoppe Staff Make the Difference OCU Nursing Student Passionate About Working in Community Health Setting Social0FansLike0FollowersFollow0SubscribersSubscribe