by Bobby Anderson, RN, Staff Writer
The Oklahoma Nurses Association Annual Convention has always been a time for nurses to gather and share information.
One of the best ways that happens is through nurses sharing what they’ve learned in presentations and posters.
This is the final week the ONA will accept submissions for posters. July 14 is the last day for submission.
The strength of the ONA Convention has always been a superb array of educational activities, which directly relate to nursing.
By reaching across specialties and practice settings, convention presentations strive to enhance the skills for nurses in all phases of their nursing career.
Four rounds of breakout sessions will again be offered this year.
Breakout sessions will be held on Thursday, October 25th. Each of the four breakout sessions will have two concurrent 60-minute sessions.
The window to submit presentations has now closed but the ONA is still accepting poster submissions.
The Convention Committee will review posters based on categories. Whether you are a first time poster presenter or a seasoned presenter, the ONA encourages you to submit your work for this year’s Convention.
Both primary and secondary research is acceptable. The poster presentation is in a written format and presenters should plan for a 30-minute staffed session in order to answer questions at the convention.
Posters typically fall under Academic, Clinical Practice & Research or Theory, Concept, Teaching Papers & Research.
Suggested Topics include: Clinical Simulations, Conflict Resolution/Disruptive Behavior, Health Disparities in Oklahoma, End of Life Care, Ethics, Health & Wellness, Informatics, Leadership (Clinical & Academic), Mental Health, Mentoring, Nursing Research, Nursing Specialty Topics, Pain Management, Palliative Care, Population Health Management, Political Advocacy in Nursing, Practice Innovation – Clinical topics, Self-care/Stress Management, Share Research Findings, Social Determinates of Health, Status and Trends in Organ Transplant and Using evidence based practice.
If your poster is accepted you will be notified in July.
If possible, the ONA asks that you hang your poster on Wednesday, Oct. 24th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Tulsa.
There will be a networking reception on Wednesday at 4 p.m/ for attendees and poster presenters.
You will need to be available on Thursday, October 25, 2018 during the poster presentation break.
You are required to staff your poster only during a portion of the convention.
Suggested maximum size of posters (no tri-folds please) is 36” by 48”
You may receive a 25% discount on one Convention registration.
For more information you can go online to oklahomanurses.org or call the ONA at 405-840-3476

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