Workplace Advocacy Program has been a benefit to Oklahoma nurses for a long time, however, due to the new challenges nurses are enduring, the program was updated to better serve as a key asset to today’s working nurse.
The program is now known as, ONA C.A.R.E.S. (Consulting for Advocacy, Rights, Empowerment & Services), the program helps Oklahoma nurses handle stressful workplace issues by empowering them to share their concerns, learn about their options and advocate for themselves. ONA wants to help develop nurses who are knowledgeable about their options, skilled in avoiding common workplace conflicts and fully supported in speaking up when presenting real-life concerns.
The most common workplace issues for nurses can often be resolved by taking concerns through the chain of command. Before you consider the ONA C.A.R.E.S. Program, use this helpful online resource for practical tips and strategies to resolve problems.
Learn how to:
* Overcome workplace issues before they start
* Increase your accountability so your voice is heard
* Build bridges within the chain of command for healthy communication
* Discover conferences and professional development opportunities focused on conflict resolution
When that chain of command breaks down, the ONA C.A.R.E.S. Program is here to help you find a solution to your workplace problems and get back on track.
Learn more about the ONA C.A.R.E.S. Program today at

Nursing Clinical Coordinator
Visiting Professor of Nursing
Oklahoma City Community College