The Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation raised a record $830,000 from a pair of events held Sunday and Monday in Oklahoma City. Proceeds will support medical research at the nonprofit.
The foundation’s annual “241” fundraiser – two events for one great cause – included a concert at OMRF from Grammy Award-winning musician Lukas Nelson and his longtime band, POTR. A golf tournament on Monday at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club concluded 241. (story contiues below)
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This was OMRF’s 10th year to hold the benefit, which has raised nearly $6.7 million since its inception. The amount raised from this year’s fundraiser exceeded the previous record by more than $130,000.
Funds raised will go toward the recruitment and retention of scientists and research projects where the need is greatest, in areas including cancer, heart attack and stroke, multiple sclerosis and diseases of aging such as Alzheimer’s.
“Events like 241 provide our scientists with the resources they need as they seek new treatments for a wide range of diseases,” said OMRF President Andrew Weyrich, Ph.D. “We are extremely grateful to our supporters. Their gifts are making a difference that will benefit Oklahomans and people everywhere for generations.”
Honorary chairs for this year’s 241 were former First Lady Kim Henry and former Gov. Brad Henry, and former First Lady Cathy Keating and former Gov. Frank Keating. Betty Jane and Mike Cawley served as sponsorship chairs.
Lead event sponsors included the Chickasaw Nation; Tom and Judy Love Foundation; American Fidelity Foundation; Continental Resources; Virginia and John Groendyke; Presbyterian Health Foundation; Ronnie A. Rosenfeld; Glenna and Dick Tanenbaum; Tyler Media Group; Arvest; Best Companies; Lariat Creek, LLC; GJW & Associates; Mary K. Chapman Foundation; Clearwater Enterprises, LLC; Devon Energy Corp.; Danny Zelisko Presents; William D. Hawley, M.D.; Gay and Ed Kirby; Polly and Larry Nichols; Don and Linda Nickles Charitable Fund; OG&E; and SSM Health.
For more information about 241, visit www.omrf.org/241.