by Vickie Jenkins, Staff Writer
Are you familiar with the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic located at 4913 W. Reno Avenue? Here, you will find a warm welcome and a friendly staff to help you with your every need. There is one person that you are sure to see when you walk in. She always has a smile on her face and has excellent communication with the patients. That person is Patricia Taylor, LPN.
Growing up in Oklahoma, Patricia has been a nurse for 31 years. She spent much of her time in Stroud, OK, Veterans Hospital in Muskogee, OK and Georgia. She moved back to Oklahoma City almost 3 years ago, getting a job here at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic.
Asking Patricia’s what the favorite part of her job is, she replied “I love spending time with all of the patients, but I really like the kids, especially when we have the Health Fair; getting the kids checked out before school. Each child will get a back-pack full of school supplies,” she replied.
What are the qualities of a good nurse? I ask Patricia. “A nurse has to have a desire to be a nurse. They have to have a caring personality. Personally, I don’t think anyone can have too much of a caring personality,” Patricia replied.
Patricia has 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren, ranging in age 13 through 18. “Yes, 5 teenagers all at once! It can be quite a challenge at times,” Patricia said with a laugh.
Patricia’s hobbies include gardening, “that’s flowers, not vegetables,” she said. “Most of all, I appreciate my kids and I love spending time with them.”
Asking Patricia what her best quality is, she replied, “People always tell me how much they like my smile and like seeing me when they walk in. I’m always meeting and greeting them,” she added.
What is your biggest challenge? “Well, I guess it would be change, although I don’t consider that much of a challenge. “I’m a pretty strong person now but change doesn’t fluff my feathers,” she said with a laugh.
What motivates you to come to work every day? I ask. “It is truly the patients and my co-workers. I try to find the best in everyone I meet; co-workers, peers, physicians, all of them have the neatest personalities.”
Patricia’s personal story:
It was 3 years ago that I lived in Georgia. I had just gone through some rough times, ending with a divorce. Coming back to Oklahoma City, I was alone, had nothing but my car and the clothes on my back. I found myself sleeping in my car; pulling the car into church parking lots or a hospital parking lot, feeling a little safer there. I was in need of my medicines. Someone directed me to the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic so I could get my medications. I was told about a place called, Sunbeam; a place that lists jobs openings for the homeless. I was directed to a place called, Dress for Success. I found a nice outfit, came to the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic, interviewing for the job opening for a nurse. I got the job! All of this due to people reaching out to help me. That was almost 3 years ago and now, I couldn’t be happier. I love my job and am so thankful for all of the people at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic that helped me change my life. A special thank-you to Staci Deland, RN, BSN, Nurse Care Manager here, who took me in and turned my life from stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Why am I sharing this story? I want everyone to know how much our lives can change in a split second. My life was turned upside-down; divorce, homeless, but with the help of friends and the many helping hands, I am on cloud 9 and am enjoying my life. Perhaps, some day, I can be those helping hands that will turn someone’s life around. I am thankful and I am proud to work at the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic.

Small but BIG.
Small enough to care about you,
big enough to care for you!
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