by Vickie Jenkins, Staff Writer
Meet LT Whitney Moseley BSN, RN who is the nursing officer for the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) and serves as the Immunization RN for the Oklahoma City Indian Clinic.
LT Moseley graduated from Oklahoma City University’s Accelerated Bachelors-to-BSN program in 2012. She is obliged to call OKCIC her work home for the past year now.
LT Moseley explained why she is a nurse and why she works as a nursing officer. “Growing up in rural Oklahoma, I utilized the local Indian Health Centers of which there were USPHS officers on staff that I sought after as role models, in addition to the healthcare nursing team at the local nursing home, where a large part of my family worked. I always wanted to do medical missions with a drive to serve the underserved; and throughout the path of my initial Bachelor’s in Spanish and International Business, I had every intention of joining the Peace Corps to fill the desire. In turn, due to the desire to also remain close to family, priorities shifted, and has resulted in me having the opportunity to have the best of both worlds while serving as a nurse for the USPHS and getting to remain local and close to my family while working for an excellent facility amongst a work family I’ve longer for, while also getting to serve the underserved in my every day and also standing ready to respond in those affected by both and national and manmade disasters.”
“Our vision is ‘to be the national model for the American Indian health care’ and our clinic has repeatedly been voted as one of the ‘Best Places to Work in Oklahoma’ and I love getting to serve amongst the best of the best within the welcoming environment of OKCIC,” LT Moseley said.
Asking LT Moseley what the favorite part of her job is. “My every day is a unique and rewarding experience and getting to serve as a nurse and do what I love while in uniform is beyond what I could have ever dreamt. The comradery amongst my fellow PHS officers and nursing family will forever be cherished. The sense of community and the lasting relationships that evolve at each location that I’ve served, including both my past and present duty stations and deployment homes, along with the continual opportunity to expand my skillset in both nursing and leadership affords me the opportunity to then be able to give back in the capacity of a mentor while continuing to be mentored myself,” she replied.
The fact that LT Moseley gets to serve under the direction of the Surgeon General and among her fellow cohorts and mentors continues to allow her to grow as not only an officer, but as a nurse, which too, allows her to best serve the population within Indian Country that she has the pleasure of serving on a daily basis, while also standing ready to answer to the call if the need arises.
What motivates you? “I am motivated by the desire to serve my communities, which include those within my personal and professional life. I have always been driven by the desire to ensure the comfort of those around me and to be the advocate and voice for those that wouldn’t always otherwise be heard,” LT Moseley replied.
LT Moseley is married to her ever-loving and supportive husband, Seth. They will be celebrating 10 years of marriage in September. “We have a 6-month-old son and blessed gift, Oliver. My hobbies include traveling and spending time with family and close friends,” she said.
What would it be like to not have a pet? LT Moseley doesn’t want to find out. “We have 3 pups, Izzy, our matriarch, an 11-year-old cocker spaniel and we have two other pups, Max, a boxer and Jingles, a chihuahua, that adopted us along the way,” LT Moseley said.
Asking LT Moseley to describe her life. “I am honestly overwhelmed and so humbled by the overabundance of love and support that I have in my life, not only from my family, friends and loved ones, but from my work and PHS family as well. I continue to pray for direction, and am forever grateful for the endless opportunities that continue to surface,” she replied.
What two words would LT Moseley use to describe herself? “That would be, “DEDICATED AND PERSISTENT,” she said with a smile.