by Vickie Jenkins – Writer/Photographer
When you go to OCOM, you will find some of the finest nurses around, and that includes, Telina Everett, RN. Telina works in the PACU/Phase II/PreOp Pain Department. “I became a nurse because I have always loved caring for people and I see it as one of my biggest assets in life. Just as I was called to be a mother, I believe I was also called to be a nurse.”
Telina grew up in Tuttle, OK and attended college at OSU-OKC. “I have been a nurse for five years and have worked here at OCOM for a year and a half. I worked a small part-time job for many years and went to school later in life so that I could be at home for my boys when they needed me the most,” Telina commented.“ My first job as a nurse was working on the Medical /Surgery Unit at SSM Health St Anthony which is a job that I still work occasionally. My specific job here is caring for people after they leave the OR and enter the recovery room, preparing them for discharge to go home after a surgery and I also do the pre-op for our pain department,” she added.
Asking Telina if anyone influenced her to become a nurse, she replied, “It wasn’t a person that influenced me to become a nurse but instead a situation. I went into labor very early with my first pregnancy and my son was in NICU. It was at that time in my life that I realized I had a passion for this type of work and that is when I made the decision to go back to school. I promised myself that I would get a degree and I had a wonderful support system that helped make that happen for me.”
It was during Telina’s last semester of nursing school, when in clinical rotations, she remembers a special nurse, Amy. ‘“She was so helpful and gave me so much meaningful information that really set her apart from others. She made me excited to enter the medical field,” Telina said.
“My biggest reward as a nurse is being able to help. I’m a nurturer. Some patients come to the hospital not having anyone by their side so being that person to comfort them is a touching feeling. My biggest challenge is probably seeing people be noncompliant. Teamwork is extremely important in this type of work environment. You can get overwhelmed easily so having a team to back you up is key.”
“On a typical day, if working on a med surgical floor, I would take care of five to six patients per shift. If I am working at the surgical hospital, it might be five to ten patients per day depending on the department I am in. I enjoy getting to meet different people from so many different walks of life every day. It makes my job interesting,” Telina said.
How has the coronavirus effected your life? “It has even been crazy! OCOM was not operational during the shutdown except for emergency surgeries. So I went to SSM Health to work on the frontline for several weeks. I was unable to see certain family members due to exposure and that was probably the hardest part.”
Where do you see yourself in five years? “I see myself continuing to learn and grow in this field. I love where I am in my career so continuing to build my knowledge in this particular path is very important to me. The nursing field is always changing and I want to see and do the best practices. I have always thought that I would further my career and possibly teach one day.”
“My husband, Darin and I have been married for sixteen years. Darin works as a data analyst. We have two boys Taylor and Talan, who are fourteen and twelve. My hobbies are repurposing furniture , decorating, reading and doing anything with my boys. We have one dog, Ellie, who is a nine year old weenie dog. We got her when she was almost two and she’s been the best addition to our family. On any given day, you will find her at my heels following me all around the house.”
Summing up her life in one word, Telina said, “it would be content.”