by Vickie Jenkins, Staff Writer
The Emergency Department at Integris Community Hospital – All of the locations; Moore, Del City, Council Crossings and West provides a wide variety of emergency services with clinical excellence, speed, technology and a focus on the patient.
It takes all kinds of people to become nurses. It also takes a special kind of nurse to be an ER nurse; quick thinking, decisive action and a strong stomach. These are just a few of the qualities that make an ER nurse.
Working at Integris Community Hospital –West, located at 300 S. Rockwell, is an individual that has gone the extra mile to care for others, making his career in the medical field, caring for others. With a real desire to be the best nurse he can be in the ER, is Matt Logan, RN.
Serving in the Army, Matt was stationed in San Antonio, Texas, Georgia in the Savannah area, and then found himself in Iraq for about a year where he was a medic in Baghdad. When returning home, Matt attended Oklahoma City University for his nursing degree. His first job as a nurse was at Saint Anthony’s in the ER. “I was there for quite a while,” Matt said. “I saw a position open here at Integris Community and I have to say that I really enjoy the smaller setting. A lot of patients prefer coming to a smaller emergency room here over a big hospital. Sometimes, the wait in a big hospital can be up to three hours, and here, we can usually take care of them right away. A lot of patients come here from all of the surrounding areas. I like seeing a variety of patients and I meet people with very interesting backgrounds. We are big on teamwork and if someone needs help with something or discharging someone, we will always help the other one out with whatever they need. On an average, we see about forty patients a day so we stay pretty busy with a variety of emergencies; adults and children, no matter what the situations is, we treat the patient as though they are the most important patient around,” Matt added.
“When the patients come in, they are usually pretty nervous and I like to make them feel at ease by joking around with them. When I start an IV, they always seem to ask how long I have been doing it. I usually tell them I have been starting IV’s since I was fourteen years old. It is amazing how much a simple sentence can make them smile and it is all in good fun.”
Asking Matt to describe himself, he replied, “I am a laid-back person and easy going. I have a serious side but also a fun side. I am always curious about things and like to learn as much as I can. No matter what, I always want to know a little more and dig a little deeper. When there is a patient that doesn’t quite fit the textbook definition, I always ask the doctor about it. The doctors here are wonderful and the co-workers and I get along with them. We are always willing to help each other out whenever needed.”
What qualities do you think make a good nurse, especially in an ER? “Of course, the typical answer is compassion. A nurse needs to like their job and in an ER situation, they need to have some quick thinking. Trying to stay focused on what the emergency is, along with keeping the patient calm and putting myself in their shoes; taking some of that anxiety off of them. When they come in, they are our main priority,” Matt explained. “Of course, our purpose is to resolve emergency situations, saving the patient,“ Matt added.
Matt comes from a family with a background in the medical field. “My mom is a veterinarian, and my brother is a doctor in Texas. My wife, Jordan is a nurse at Saint Anthony’s downtown. We never have to worry about anything if any of us get sick,” Matt said. “Our pets either,” he added with a smile.
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Matt’s hobbies include fly fishing, making his own fishing lures, working on cars, building motors, shooting, deer hunting and traveling. Matt and Jordan have two dogs: a husky named Luna, and a Pitbull they call, Sadie, and not to forget their cat that goes by the name of Girbs.
Thank you Matt, for your service in the United States Army.